So I am taking it to an extreme when I say habits can kill you, but they can lead your brain in to a dying state.
In life as we grow up we are CONSTANTLY learning new things every second. Our brain is like a sponge as a child (So they say) The brain doesn't stop absorbing knowledge because it is full, or incapable of doing so. The brain can slow down as we age because the MUSCLE is getting weak. For example: During physical exercise you will notice when your muscles are strong or neglected. OUT OF SHAPE is due to lack of exercise. Same with our brain.
WHY does it get weak you ask? HABIT! We grow and things become "Second Nature." This means we do things without having to think of them out of habit. For instance I am typing right now without looking at the keys because of the habit I have formed. We brush our teeth, our hair, wash our bodies, walk, run, chew, etc. pretty much exactly the same way all the time. We view the same street we walk down everyday as just getting home, but when you walk down a new street do you not find yourself observing it more? When you learn a new language or read a book you are waking up the muscles of the brain. If you move your body in a new way it feels awkward because your brain is like, WOAH WHAT WAS THAT? I've never felt that...! In this theory I believe our brains are used less and less as we get older making it harder to retain knowledge and eventually parts of our brain stop being used all together and can lead to dementia, Alzheimer's, or just stupidity. THIS DOESN'T mean your stupid though, it is always possible to restrengthen your brain. Just like the going to the gym it is hard to get started but them it becomes a passion, or even a nisesity.
A great way to get your brain flowing is to try something new and DON'T give up if it feels weird and you believe "Oh this isn't for me." Usually when I go to a new dance class and I am not getting the steps it is easy to say I am just not good at that form of dance. NO!! After your body gets it a little it becomes SO much fun! Same with reading, when I was a kid I HATED reading because I was slightly dyslexic and felt stupid. Something in me clicked one day and I decided I am going to read all these books this month. It was hard at first but eventually I was loving it and now I have to say reading is one of my favorite things. It is great absorbing new knowledge and finding new interests. It keeps life exciting and constantly stimulating.
None of what I am saying are PROVEN FACTS, but as I was reading a book from one of the most famous psychologists, Carl Jung, I discovered that he thinks there is never going to be a proven fact 100%. There can be a very good, overworked, estimated answer that we will repeat because it is coming up with an answer we like. Though, this doesn't really mean one day something can't take another form. It is really interesting to me to learn how our brain and thoughts are all determined by our memory. Thinking happens so fast but all it is is our subconscious remembering past experiences. Our past knowledge is settled in to the crevices of our brain from our parents, friends, teachers, strangers, etc. This being the case, we must realize that the same thing we are getting from them they got from their background. It is an ongoing cycle of knowledge passed down from generation to generation and can evolve but will basically take similar form. Having more knowledge will make you better at decision making and "instinct" will kick in from your subconscious mind. This doesn't take away the fact that personal learning experiences don't contribute, because they do 100%. Now I don't believe there will ever be an ANSWER to much of anything, even what I am stating here will never be proven. The awareness Jung brings to broaden the horizons of life are the wonderful possibilities of happiness and hunger for passion.
I went a bit off track from HABITS, but my inspiration behind this blog has come from what I just absorbed. Sharing this information with people will hopefully build up their awareness and strike some interest in finding out more. My hopes are to inspire whoever reads this to go about the world a little differently in subtle changes to help enrich their lives and the lives around them. This life is an ongoing cycle and needs to be explored because if we weren't meant to explore it I don't think it would be explorable in the first place. Hopefully I was able to help at least one person passing on the knowledge someone generously passed on to me.
Take it to the next step- Find out more in your own research
I am reading "The Portable JUNG," by Joseph Campbell. (FASCINATING!)
Try something new!
Change some habits (brush your teeth with opposite hand)
Wake up your brain!
All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.
Carl Jung
~I thank Elizabeth for her guidance.
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